The riddle of Atlantis is among the greatest of the world's unsolved mysteries. Where, for a start, was the exact site of this huge island civilization? did it really, as early historians reported, vanish from the earth in a day and a night? Small wonder that since the earliest times scholars, archaeologists, historians, and occultists have kept up an almost ceaseless search for its precise whereabouts. Beginning with the Greek philosopher Plato's first description of the lost land that was apparently "the nearest thing to paradise on Earth," this chapter examines in detail the basic evidence for the existence and cataclysmic destruction of Atlantis.
(Note: Plato was not the first one to know about Atlantis. He was the first to describe it in detail. Pythagoras taught Plato what he knew)
Of all the world's unsolved mysteries, Atlantis is probably the biggest. Said to have been a huge island continent with an extraordinary civilization, situated in the Atlantic Ocean, it is reported to have vanished from the face of the earth in a day and a night. So complete was this devastation that Atlantis sank beneath the sea, taking with it every trace of its existence. Despite this colossal vanishing trick, the lost continent of Atlantis has exerted a mysterious influence over the human race for thousands of years. It is almost as though a primitive memory of the glorious days of Atlantis lingers on in the deepest recesses of the human mind. The passage of time has not diminished interest in the fabled continent, nor have centuries of skepticism by scientists succeeded in banishing Atlantis to obscurity in its watery grave. Thousands of books and articles have been written about the lost continent.
It has inspired the authors of novels, short stories, poems, and movies. Its name has been used for ships, restaurants, magazines, and even a region of the planet Mars. Atlantean societies have been formed to theorize and speculate about a great lost land. Atlantis has come to symbolize our dream of a once golden past. It appeals to our nostalgic longing for a better, happier world; it feeds out hunger for knowledge of mankind's true origins; and above all it offers the challenge of a genuinely sensational detective story.
Today the search for evidence of the existence of Atlantis continues with renewed vigor, using 20th century man's most sophisticated tools in the hope of discovering the continent that is said to have disappeared around 11,600 years ago. did Atlantis exist, or is it just a myth? Ours may be the generation that finally solves this tantalizing and ancient enigma.
" is said to have been the nearest thing to paradise that the earth has seen. It was a consortium of Concentric Islands as shown in fig. Fruits and vegetables grew in abundance in its rich soil. Fragrant flowers and herbs bloomed n the wooded slopes of its many beautiful mountains. All kinds of tame and wild animals roamed its meadows and magnificent forests, and drank from its rivers and lakes. Underground streams of wonderfully sweet water were used to irrigate the soil, to provide hot and cold fountains and baths for all the inhabitants. - There were even baths for the horses.
The earth was rich in precious metals, and the Atlanteans were wealthier than any people before or after with gold, silver, brass, tin, and ivory, and their principal royal palace was a marvel of size and beauty. Besides being skilled metallurgists, the Atlanteans were accomplished engineers. A huge and complex system of canals and bridges linked their capital city with the sea and the surrounding countryside, and there were magnificent docks and harbors for the fleets of vessels that carried on a flourishing trade with overseas countries.
Whether they lived in the city or the country, the people of Atlantis had everything they could possibly want for their comfort and happiness. They were a gentle, wise, and loving people, unaffected by their great wealth and prizing virtue above all things. In time, however, their noble nature became debased. No longer satisfied with ruling their own great land of plenty, they set about waging war on others. Their vast armies swept through the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean region, conquering large areas of North Africa and Europe.
The Atlanteans were poised to strike against Athens and Egypt when the Athenian army rose up, drove them back to Gibraltar, and defeated them. Hardly had the Athenians tasted victory when a terrible cataclysm wiped out their entire army in a single day and night, and caused Atlantis to sink forever beneath the waves. Perhaps a few survivors were left to tell what happened. At all events, the story is said to have been passed down through many generations until, more than 9200 years later, it was made known to the world for the first time."
~Plato's Hypothesis~
The man who first committed the legend to paper was the Greek philosopher Plato, who in about 355 B.C. wrote about Atlantis in two of his famous dialogues, the Timaeus and the Critias. Although Plato claimed that the story of the lost continent was derived from ancient Egyptian records, no such records have ever come to light, nor has any direct mention of Atlantis been found in any surviving records made before Plato's time. Every book and article on Atlantis that has ever been published has been based on Plato's account; subsequent authors have merely interpreted or added to it.
~Questions Raised~
Why, ask the scholars, are there so many remarkable similarities between the ancient cultures of the Old and New Worlds? Why do we find the same plants and animals on continents thousands of miles apart when there is no known way for them to have been transported there?
How did the primitive peoples of many lands construct technological marvels, such as Stonehenge in Britain, the huge statues of Easter Island in the Pacific and the strange sacred cities of the Andes? Were they helped by a technically sophisticated race that has since disappeared?
Above all, why do the legends of people the world over tell the same story of an overwhelming natural disaster and the arrival or godlike beings who brought with them a new culture from a far? could the catastrophe that sank Atlantis have sent tidal waves throughout the glove, causing terrible havoc and destruction?
And were the 'gods' the remnants of the Atlantean race - the few survivors who were not on or near the island continent when it was engulfed?
Map of Atlantis by the 17th-century German scholar Athanasius Kircher. Kircher based his map on Plato's description of Atlantis as an island west of the Pillars of Hercules - the Strait of Gibraltar - and situated Atlantis in the ocean that has since been named after the legendary land. Unlike modern cartographers, he placed south at the top of the map, which puts America at the right.
Even without Plato's account, the quest for answers to these mysteries might have led to the belief by some in a 'missing link' between the continents - a land-bridge populated by a highly evolved people in the distant past. Nevertheless, it is the Greek philosopher's story that lies at the heart of all arguments for or against the existence of such a lost continent.
I have collected some useful info/sites which provide exaggerated info on these mystic questions:
Timaeus by Plato
Critias by Plato
The Wave that destroyed Atlantis - by Harvey Lille
Atlantis: the Myth - by Alan G.Hefner.
Atlantis Evidence Found in Spain and Ireland
The Sunken Kingdom by Peter James
Mystery of Atlantis - Legend or Fact
A Rare Documentary on Atlantis:-
Running time:- 8 minutes.
Suggestions from you are greatly entertained.
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I just read a great book called Of Atlantis by :Lanaia Lee. It takes place prior to the destruction, follows Archimedes, King of one of the countries of Atlantis, who leads his country through wars, strife, has personal losses but survives the destruction and, along with his arch enemy, goes on to play critical roles in major future historical events like the Mayan Doomsday Prophecy and The Third Reich - she's writing 4 more in this series - - great read!
Thanks for sharing this information.....
- love history/mysteries v much
Really her website was outspoken.......n inspiring. She crafted it soo nicely("awesome"). Great Work!!!
$ n $
I recommend this for the readers:
Betty Jo Tucker, renowned movie critic, had rave reviews for Of Atlantis! She calls it “Page to Screen Material.” Read her article here:
Not a bad article, but Plato never referred to Atlantis as a continent, merely an island that controlled parts of west Europe and N. Africa. It was, in fact, a supervolcanic isle (about 75 miles across) off Portugal, that exploded and sank in the 17th century BC. Plato's dating is off because the Egyptian priests (his source) habitually exaggerated historical time (see Roots of Cataclysm, Algora Publ. NY 2009).
Plato never said Atlantis was a continent, only an island that controlled parts of west Europe and North Africa. It was in fact a supervolcanic isle that exploded and sank in the 17th century BC. The gigantic remnant caldera is plainly evident on the seafloor west of Lisbon (see Roots of Cataclysm, Algora Publ. NY 2009).
A couple of points: Plato never called Atlantis a continent, only an island. He never said it had a superior technology, only impressive buildings and canals. Almost surely, Atlantis was a supervolcanic island off Portugal that exploded and sank in the 17th century BC. Plato's dating is obviously off, but only because the Egyptian priests habitually exaggerated historical time -- a common quirk of ancient cultures(see Roots of Cataclysm, Algora Publ. NY 2009).